Practice With Awakened - Online Course

Practice With Awakened is our fully fledged intro course and it contains an introduction to the practice, basic elements and plenty of theory to help you get into the basics. it has unique and powerful recorded meditation sessions and teaches you how to practice on your own.

As part of your membership you get FREE access to this course!

Start Here With Your First Session

There is a possibility that there are elements in our online practices not shown in this course.
Because some elements require in person teachings we recommend you to check out our in LIVE courses.

The more you will indulge in the community the deeper your practice will reach. 

As our community is a part of a School, our educational system has different levels of participation. 
All you will learn about when joining our online sessions. 

Your path is important for us, we are here to help you get the maximum out of the practices. 

Ready to learn?

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