Our community uses Zoom for our online meditation sessions and Telegram for our daily communication, activities, sharing material and courses.
Please install them both.

Telegram Group - The main interaction center

This is our main chat group where the entire community gathers to share, discuss and talk about anything and everything. Non-members can also be a part of it, so invite your friends!

Link to Telegram Group

Our Telegram group has multiple sub-topics/channels

Here is a short description of each of the sub-topics:

Info Center - Here you will have some static information that is similar to the information here. Some general info about our community, the schedule of our sessions and the Zoom links to attend them.

Events Calendar - A small sub-topic with our upcoming events whether online or offline. This will include our upcoming courses, retreats and some online free events as well!

Session Updates - A sub-topic for updates about the upcoming sessions 🙂

Daily Leads - This sub-topic will include posts, pictures, videos made by our team and lectures by Genadiy that we share with the community and our social media.
Ideabox - Here you can drop your ideas on how to improve the community

General Chat- For the time being the only chat where we can write. It will be a place for us to discuss, share how we are doing, ask questions and just meet new people.

Facebook Group

We also have an emerging Facebook group you are welcome to join. Invite your friends as well. The more the bigger the family. 

Link to our Facebook Group

Okay so what happens now?

After you will join the Telegram chats one of our guides will contact you and give a more in-depth explanation of what World of Awakening is and all the advantages it provides you.

Also they will be there to help you when you struggle or basically when you want to ask for information. The whole community is here to support you in your journey to find yourself. 

Ready to learn?

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