You have the power to achieve your goal, and all it takes is a commitment from you to do whatever it takes.

Say this text out loud:

I am making this commitment to dedicate myself to serving and helping others. I can make a significant impact on the lives of those around me and contribute to making the world a better place. I believe there is no greater purpose in life than to help other Awaken and I am devoted to do whatever it takes to make a difference. I understand that this may not always be easy, but I am willing to put in the time and effort to make a meaningful impact. I will use the Methodology and find my own keys to make steps forward in life and grow up. I am open, sincere, honest with myself and my other team members. If I have breakdowns I remember that I have a team that will help me the same way I do with them. This is my happening and mine alone. And this team is my tribe, my family to work with. 
I make this commitment not just for today or tomorrow; but as a lifelong pledge that I will uphold with unwavering determination and a generous spirit.


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